
Leading online business intelligence platform for economic development and investment attraction professionals


Human curated and predictive intelligence

By combining online predictive indicators and human curation, our business intelligence team ensures that each targeted opportunity meets your desired criteria.

Selection rationale

Each company profile includes selection rationale detailing each prospect as a viable, elite opportunity for targeting.

Real-time reporting

Each user has access to a visualization tool that displays current data status, metrics and breakdown of targeted opportunities.

Program flexibility

Ability to focus on any industry, geography, trade mission, M&A, industrial park, trade and export or targeted conference.

fdi customized pipeline Customized pipeline

Each opportunity is user-specific, guaranteeing information accuracy and providing the ability to instantly prospect.

fdi crm CRM capability

Our platform has a built-in capability to be used as a simplified lead management tool. All data can also be extracted in almost any format and imported into your CRM solution.


Our methodology takes into consideration each client’s value proposition, investment criteria and regional advantage, in order to carefully identify 365 target firms per year that are a fit for potential expansion and business recruitment. The team analyzes key growth indicators and combines these with proprietary primary data collection techniques to determine best potential investors.

These are the pillars of our methodology that help us identify  premier business targets

  • Financial viability
  • Business development activities
  • Supply chain compatibility
  • Distribution channels
  • Primary business intelligence
  • Corporate growth strategy
  • Investment history
  • Existing locations
  • FDI indicators
  • R&D activities
  • Growth patterns
  • Corporate announcements

About Us

LinkwayFDI, Inc.是一家专业市场研究公司,为经济发展组织和区域促进机构提供定制的潜在客户开发和商业情报服务,以识别和捕捉直接投资机会。

365FDI 的推出是为了响应客户制定目标清单的要求。该平台的开发结合了最新技术、人工策划的商业智能、在线分析和专有研究方法,提供了一个充满洞察力的精英平台。预测性公司指标使我们能够确定符合您所需标准的最佳潜在客户。每个公司简介都是定制的,从而保证了无与伦比的数据准确性质量可靠性

“Using 365FDI was very helpful in setting meetings during the Outdoor Retailer trade show. Our partners at Prosper Portland were also very impressed with the targeting strategy, business intelligence , and as a result, subsequent meetings.”

Amy Jauron, Business Development Manager, Greater Portland, Inc.

“We use the 365FDI platform to expand our data analysis of companies we are targeting globally. The FDI365 platform provides not only basic company information but an array of indicators for choosing the best time to engage a possible lead.””

Max Stewart, Business Development Director, Bradenton EDC

“内华达州能源经济发展团队是首批 365FDI订阅者之一。从那时起,我们就可以获取目标市场的日常商业情报,并接触到寻求进入美国市场的国际公司。”

Cheree Boteler, Senior Marketing Specialist, NV Energy

365FDI是市场上经济发展前景数据的首要来源。它是唯一可以根据您市场的特定资产定制前景研究的工具。LinkwayFDI 团队为那些显示出扩张活动迹象的公司提供服务,但前提是该公司有理由考虑您的社区。365FDI 让潜在客户的世界变得更加易于管理。”

Craig Price, Manager, North American Sales, Jobs Ohio

Ready to  Talk?