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Investment Attraction Training for Economic Development Professionals

Develop best practices and master the skills to effectively attract investors to your region

Successfully delivered 500+ training projects to EDO’s and IPA’s across the world

What We Do? 

The Benefits of Our Investment Attraction Training Services

By partnering with us, economic development and investment attraction professionals will gain access to the latest trends and best practices in attracting investments.

You’ll learn how to effectively target the right investors, craft compelling investment pitches, and build relationships with key decision-makers.

With our help, you will be able to generate more leads, attract more investments, and position your region for long-term success.

How Our Training Programs Work

Our training programs are adaptable and scalable to meet the specific requirements and capabilities of any organization, whether it’s local or federal, public or private, large or small.

Ready to take your investment attraction efforts to the next level? Sign up for our training courses today and start generating high-quality leads and attracting new investments to your region.

What our clients say


Valuable Experience

As an economic development professional at Edmonton Global, I recently took part in LinkwayFDI’s investment attraction training and it was an incredibly valuable experience. The tailored training provided practical tools and strategies that I have already applied to my work, resulting in a noticeable improvement in our ability to attract investment. I highly recommend this training to any economic development professional looking to enhance their investment attraction skills.
Karra-Lee Gerrits
Edmonton Global

Highly Knowledgeable

As a rural economic development professional targeting Agrifood businesses, I highly recommend LinkwayFDI's online investment attraction training. The trainers were highly knowledgeable and tailored the program to our needs, providing practical tools and strategies that have had a marked impact on our organization's ability to attract investors. Despite the online format, the training was engaging and interactive, and the focus on the Agrifood sector was particularly valuable.
Cara Finn
Ontario Food Cluster


As a seasoned economic development professional at the Southwestern Ontario Marketing Alliance, I highly recommend LinkwayFDI’s investment attraction training. What impressed me most was that LinkwayFDI created a tailored plan of action for our organization. The trainers were knowledgeable and engaging, making the learning experience effective and enjoyable. Overall, I am grateful for the valuable insights and strategies gained from the program.
Sean Dyke


What is investment attraction training?

Investment attraction trainings are programs designed to help economic development and investment attraction professionals improve their ability to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and inward direct investments. It covers a wide range of topics, including database development and sourcing, targeting, lead generation, cold outreach techniques, and deal closing, and is presented in strategic modules that are scalable to meet the specific needs of any organization.

Who can benefit from investment attraction training?

Investment attraction training is ideal for economic development, investment attraction and public business recruitment professionals who want to improve their skills in attracting investments to their region. It is also beneficial for government agencies, site selectors, business associations, and other organizations looking to improve their investment attraction capabilities.

How long does investment attraction training take?

The length of investment attraction training varies depending on the program and the specific needs of the organization. Some programs can be completed in a few hours, while others may take several days or weeks.

What are the benefits of investment attraction training?

Investment attraction training provides economic development professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in attracting foreign direct investment. It can help organizations to develop effective marketing campaigns, build stronger relationships with investors, and close more deals. Ultimately, investment attraction training can help EDO’s and IPA’s grow their local economy and create jobs.

Ready to  Talk?

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