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Lead Generation for EDO’s and IPA’s

Empowering Economic Developers to Attract Investments, Expand Regional Awareness, and Accelerate Business Growth

Trusted by 300+ EDOs and IPAs Worldwide!

What are Lead Generation Services  for Investment Attraction?

Our Lead Generation Services are designed to tackle the challenges faced by economic developers and investment attraction professionals. We understand the struggle of attracting new FDI and direct investments to your region through traditional means. That’s why our comprehensive approach handles the full lead generation process, including strategic targeting, list building, efficient prospecting, and appointment setting, driving economic growth and unveiling your community’s untapped potential to investors.

Benefits and Value of Lead Generation Services

With our Lead Generation Services, your organization will benefit from a range of competitive advantages that will set you apart from competing regions:

How Our Solutions  Work

Our services focus on providing you with high-quality leads genuinely interested in investing in your region, driving economic growth, and unlocking your community’s full potential.

To learn more about our comprehensive services and how we can help you achieve your investment attraction goals, contact our team of experts today.

What our clients say


Very knowledgeable and professional

LinkwayFDI's lead generation training made me feel confident that I can manage my leads effectively. I feel like I have the tools that I need to attract projects for my community. The curriculum was on-point and the staff were very knowledgeable and professional. LinkwayFDI has set us up for success!
Jodi Ashby
Ohio County Economic Development Alliance

The right decision

As we approach one full year of working with LinkwayFDI, we are confident at having made the right decision to utilize their expertise to enhance our investment attraction strategy.LinkwayFDI team has delivered high-value meetings with corporate executives looking to locate operations in the Gulf Coast of Texas.
Tommy Kurtz
Corpus Christi (CCRED)

A real partner

LinkwayFDI has been a real pleasure to work with in generating FDI meetings for our missions in the NYC and Boston areas. They are 100% reliable, effective and a real partner. As a result of this relationship, we landed two FDI wins from NYC resulting in 50 jobs.
Catharine Gerhard
Waterloo EDC


What is the purpose of a Lead Generation service?

潜在客户开发是指识别潜在投资者并直接联系他们,以提高对该地区或国家作为投资地点的认识并产生兴趣的过程。潜在投资者是对该地点表示真正兴趣的潜在投资者,IPA 或 EDO 将进一步联系和参与,以将最初的兴趣转化为实际投资。

How can LinkwayFDI's Lead Generation program support economic development?


How does FDI contribute to economic development?

公司出于多种原因投资新市场。扩张型企业更愿意在区域内实现业务多元化,以利用区域优势、利用当地资源、扩大市场和客户群。其他动机可能包括投资多元化或搬迁。FDI 潜在客户开发是与不断扩张的业务建立联系的最佳方法之一。

What makes a location an attractive destination for a potential investor?


What is economic development lead generation?

经济发展潜在客户开发包括识别和鉴定成长型企业作为您所在地区的潜在投资者。通过与最有前途的全球公司建立重要联系,ResearchFDI 为各种规模的经济发展组织提供无与伦比的投资线索生成服务。

What are FDI Inflows and Outflows?

外国直接投资流入是外国公司直接进入该地区的投资。相比之下,外国直接投资流出是当地实体向外国领土进行的投资。作为经济发展机构,引导 FDI 流入应该是每个经济发展组织的目标。

What are lead generation services for investment attraction?

招商引资服务是一种专业服务,可帮助经济发展组织 (EDO) 和投资促进机构 (IPA) 与有兴趣扩大业务或将业务迁至新地点的潜在投资者建立联系。

What strategies do lead generation services use for investment attraction?

Lead generation services for investment attraction use a variety of strategies to identify and target potential investors. These strategies can include market research and analysis to identify expanding companies and their investment preferences, email and social media marketing campaigns to reach out to potential investors and promote investment opportunities, targeted advertising to increase awareness of investment opportunities, and cold outreach and prospecting campaigns.

Are there different types of lead generation services for investment attraction?

Yes, there are different types of lead generation services for investment attraction. Some services may focus on a specific niche or industry, while others may offer more comprehensive services that cover a broader range of investment opportunities. Additionally, some services may specialize in certain regions or countries, while others may have a more global focus.

How to choose the right lead generation provider for your investment attraction needs?

When choosing a lead generation provider for investment attraction, it is important to consider your specific needs and goals. Consider factors such as the size and scope of your project, your target audience and investment preferences, your budget and timeline, and the expertise and experience of the service provider. Look for a provider that has a proven track record of success in attracting investments in your industry or region, and that offers comprehensive services that align with your needs and goals.

Ready to  Talk?

Let's discuss your next project