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Results-Driven Economic Development Marketing

From email and content to social media, SEO, graphic design, and digital advertising, our experts will seamlessly enhance your marketing strategy

Trusted by 300+ EDOs and IPAs Worldwide!

What are Economic Development Marketing Services?

Are you struggling to reach the right audience and convey the advantages of your region or community? In today’s competitive landscape, it’s essential to have a strong online presence and an expertly executed marketing plan. Our Economic Development Marketing Services provide the solution you’ve been searching for.

We understand the unique challenges facing economic development organizations today. That’s why we’ve designed our services to provide a comprehensive solution that addresses all aspects of place marketing. From email and content to social media, SEO, graphic design, and digital advertising, we’ll craft a customized plan that maximizes your region’s potential, increases awareness and generates high-quality leads.

Benefits and Value of Economic Development Marketing services

With our Economic Development Marketing, your organization will benefit from a range of competitive advantages that will set you apart from competing regions:

How Our Solutions Work

From developing content that tells your community’s story to implementing targeted digital advertising campaigns, we’ll work with you to create a marketing plan that drives results and builds your community’s brand. Our services include:

Our approach begins with a thorough analysis of your organization’s goals, target audience, and competitive landscape. We then create a customized marketing strategy that aligns with your objectives, ensuring that each marketing campaign—from email to social media management and digital advertising—delivers maximum impact. Our team of experts will work closely with you throughout the process, providing regular updates and feedback to optimize performance and results.

Ready to transform your economic development marketing efforts and attract valuable investment opportunities? Contact us now to schedule a free consultation and discover how our services can propel your community towards success.

What our clients say


Exceeded all my expectations

I had the pleasure of working with LinkwayFDI for the graphic design of our target industry flyers, and I must say, their services exceeded all my expectations. The team at LinkwayFDIconducted a comprehensive sector analysis of our region, which allowed them to create flyers that were not only visually stunning but also strategically tailored to our target audience. As a direct result of these beautifully designed flyers, we have seen an increase in engagement and interest from our target audience. I highly recommend LinkwayFDI's graphic design services to anyone looking to elevate their marketing materials and make a lasting impression on their audience.
Cathy Goulet

Impressed by their expertise

I had the pleasure of collaborating with LinkwayFDI and was thoroughly impressed by their expertise in graphic design for economic development marketing. Their designs were both visually captivating and strategically effective. LinkwayFDI demonstrated a deep understanding of our economic development goals and target audience, creating marketing materials that effectively communicated our key messages and value propositions. Their team consistently delivered high-quality collateral, including brochures, presentations, and other marketing materials.
Curtis Tighe


I worked with LinkwayFDI and was impressed with their expertise in crafting effective email campaigns that deliver results. They demonstrated a deep understanding of our economic development goals, creating targeted campaigns that communicated our key messages. Their team produced engaging campaigns that helped us re-connect with dormant investment leads. Overall, I highly recommend LinkwayFDI for their outstanding email marketing services.
Brad Hammond


What is economic development marketing?

Economic development marketing is the practice of promoting and attracting investment, businesses, and industries to a particular region or area with the goal of enhancing its economic growth and development. This marketing approach is used by economic development organizations (EDOs) to showcase the advantages and benefits of their region, such as its infrastructure, workforce, cost of living, quality of life, and business-friendly environment. The ultimate goal is to attract companies and entrepreneurs to establish or expand their operations in the region, which can lead to job creation, increased tax revenues, and overall economic growth.

How does marketing contribute to economic development?

Marketing plays an important role in shaping a region’s economic future by attracting businesses and investment that can create jobs, promoting entrepreneurship, encouraging innovation, and supporting tourism.

What strategies are effective in economic development marketing?

Effective economic development marketing strategies depend on the specific goals and characteristics of the region being promoted. Strategies involve a combination of research, stakeholder collaboration, branding, digital marketing (including paid advertising, SEO, Social Media Marketing), networking, and content marketing to showcase the advantages of a region and attract investment, businesses, and industries.

How do you measure the success of economic development marketing initiatives?

Measuring the success of economic development marketing initiatives requires a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the initiative. Here are some common ways to measure the success of economic development marketing initiatives: jobs created or retained, investment attracted, business retention and expansion, perception and awareness, and website traffic and engagement. Overall, measuring the success of economic development marketing initiatives requires a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures, tailored to the specific goals and objectives of the initiative. It is important to establish clear metrics at the outset of the initiative and track progress against these metrics over time to assess its effectiveness.

What are examples of successful economic development marketing campaigns?

There have been many successful economic development marketing campaigns over the years, and here are a few examples:

“I Am Amsterdam” – Amsterdam, Netherlands: This campaign promoted Amsterdam as a hub for creative talent, innovation, and entrepreneurship. It used a mix of traditional advertising, social media, and online content to showcase the city’s culture, lifestyle, and business opportunities. As a result, Amsterdam attracted a growing number of startups, multinational companies, and investors, and has become one of Europe’s leading startup hubs.

“Choose Chicago” – Chicago, USA: This campaign was launched to promote Chicago as a tourist destination and a hub for business and investment. It used a mix of traditional advertising, social media, and targeted events to showcase Chicago’s cultural attractions, culinary scene, and business ecosystem. The campaign led to a record number of tourists visiting Chicago and attracted major corporate headquarters, such as McDonald’s and GE Healthcare, to the city.

“Made in NYC” – New York City, USA: This campaign promoted New York City as a hub for manufacturing and innovation, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. It used a mix of digital marketing, events, and partnerships to showcase the city’s diverse manufacturing sector, skilled workforce, and supportive ecosystem. As a result, New York City’s manufacturing sector grew by more than 22% between 2011 and 2019, and the campaign has helped to create and retain thousands of jobs.

Overall, successful economic development marketing campaigns require a deep understanding of the region’s strengths and opportunities, a clear and compelling message, and a targeted and integrated approach that leverages a range of marketing channels and tactics.

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