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Business Intelligence Solutions to Drive Economic Growth

Helping Economic Development and Investment Attraction Professionals identify and target relevant companies with expansion potential.

Empowering investment attraction efforts worldwide with our trusted Business Intelligence Solutions

What are Business Intelligence Solutions?

Benefits and Value of Our Business Intelligence Solutions

How Our Solutions Work

Our solutions are designed to provide economic development organizations with a comprehensive database of companies that meet their investment criteria. The database includes direct company decision-maker contact information, size & revenue, existing locations, and a detailed analysis of company growth indicators. Our solutions also include a qualitative analysis of all identified companies to ensure a relevant & direct fit with a client’s target criteria for investment promotion.

Ready to take your investment attraction efforts to the next level? Sign up for our training courses today and start generating high-quality leads and attracting new investments to your region.

What our clients say


A game-changer

ResearchFDI's business intelligence solutions have been a game-changer for our economic development efforts. LinkwayhFDI is the top source for economic development prospect data in the market. Their365 FDI business intelligence software customizes prospect research to your market’s specific assets. The information provided has been incredibly helpful in making informed decisions and creating effective investment promotion strategies. In addition, the time-saving benefits have been significant, freeing up our team to focus on other critical tasks. We have seen a significant increase in investment activity in our community thanks to ResearchFDI's expertise and support.
Craig Price
Jobs Ohio

They deliver results

When the City of Surprise wanted to expand its investment attraction pipeline, we interviewed several firms. LinkwayFDI, led by Bruce and his team, had a strong reputation in the industry and stood out to us because they genuinely wanted to help us meet our objectives. They offered quality data analytics, personalized service, and we used their FDI365 software for a year. We were very happy with the leads generated and even hired them to assist with appointment setting for our sales missions. During a recent mission to Canada, LinkwayFDI provided us with a well-organized meeting schedule and thorough briefing, making each meeting impactful. The Surprise team considers LinkwayFDI vital to our business attraction strategy because they genuinely care about providing value and consistently deliver results.
Jeanine Jerkovic
Surprise AZ

More qualified leads

We began working with LinkwayFDI for industrial recruitment assistance after trying nearly every agency out there.LinkwayFDI not only provided more qualified leads, but they were also true partners in our efforts. In late 2017, they set up a meeting for our staff with Dajcor Aluminum in Chatham, Ontario. This initial meeting led to the eventual location of Dajcor’s first manufacturing facility in the United States within the One East Kentucky region. Their project will create 265 new jobs and invest more than $19 Million in Hazard, Kentucky while also being an attractor of additional supply chain companies. Bruce and his team are the best at what they do.
Charles Sexton
One East Kentucky


What is business intelligence (BI) and how can it benefit economic development?

Business Intelligence refers to the use of data analytics and other technologies to extract insights from large amounts of data. For economic development, BI can help identify trends, opportunities, and challenges, and inform decision-making.

How can BI solutions help economic development agencies attract new businesses and investment?

Business intelligence (BI) can help economic development and investment promotion agencies identify industries and regions that are ripe for growth, and provide insights into the needs and preferences of businesses looking to expand or relocate.

What are database-development services for investment attraction?

Database-development or list-building services help economic development agencies create and maintain lists of potential investors and businesses that may be interested in investing in their region.

How can list-building services benefit economic development agencies?

List-building services can help agencies identify and target potential investors more effectively, and provide valuable insights into investor demographics and preferences.

What types of information is included in a database for investment attraction?

The type of information included in the databases varies depending on the goal of the organization but it typically includes information such as contact details (title, phone, email, social media profile) industry and sector information and investment history.

Can list-building services help economic development agencies target investors outside of their region or country?

Yes, our list-building services offer global data and can help agencies identify potential investors from around the world.

How can economic development agencies use the database to attract investment?

EDO’s and IPA’s can use lists to create targeted marketing campaigns and outreach efforts, and to provide personalized information and support to potential investors.

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